Extracurricular Activities

Chemistry lab

Chemistry is an active and constantly growing science, whose importance is vital in our world. The science of elements and compounds and their properties, it is a major driver of innovation, invention, discovery, and progress. So, chemistry education should incorporate both theoretical and practical knowledge.

Chemistry lab is furnished with chemicals and other necessary apparatuses to cater to the needs of the students. A well-ventilated room having excellent safety equipments, the lab has student workstations that are neatly arranged and provided with all required chemicals and tools needed to trigger their curiosity and inquisitiveness. Each hands-on experience deepens a student’s understanding of chemical synthesis and analysis.

Physics lab

Physics is a vast subject engulfing various disciplines in it; and at school level, a student is taught the fundamentals of all these disciplines.  A branch of science where experimentation is an integral part of the core subject, hence, a laboratory becomes a necessity.

The Physics lab in the school is a spacious and well-ventilated expanse, decked with modern instruments and equipment’s. The students learn physics theories in a more elaborative manner with the involvement of the subject’s application at specially designed workstations. The experiments carried out in this lab are in coherence with the curriculum.

Biology lab

Biology, the science of living things, attracts the attention and arouses interest in students, above all others. One of the most natural powers of children is that of observation, and nothing appeals to them more than the observation of living things.

To make the study of Biology livelier and meet the demands of the advancements in science and technology, the school houses an intricately designed lab with microscopes, preserved specimens, slides, models and bio-visual charts. With an emphasis on developing scientific temper in students, they are encouraged to learn through hands-on practicals and observation, and understand various concepts beyond their books.

Computer Lab

In today’s fast-evolving world, Computer literacy is one of the foremost needs if you compare the current technological advancements and the demands of computer knowledge in almost all walks of life. Hence, computer education has become a sine qua non.

The school has a computer lab for the students, and they are equipped with the finest and state-of-the-art hardware. With an easy access to computers and an internet connectivity, the two spaces are ergonomically designed to support countless learning activities and student collaboration and exploration.

Music Room

H. W. Longfellow, the renowned American poet, once said, “Music is the universal language of mankind.” We, at St. Patrick’s Academy, believe in giving students unique opportunities to express themselves creatively and build confidence. Music education catapults a child’s learning to new heights, and for this reason, it should be considered a pivotal part of a child’s educational process.

The school has a spacious Music room equipped with all the latest facilities and accompaniments where students are taught the fine nuances of music. It provides a perfect environment for children to learn and appreciate music, while rehearsing and practising various musical instrumen

Dance Room

Dance is an ideal means of communicating the inexpressible, something too fine for words. And this space within the campus gives students’ innermost feelings an expression. It also helps them unwind from their hectic academic schedule and learn the aesthetics of movement.

The room being furnished with floor to ceiling and a music system, helps students grow appreciative of and become au courant with various Indian and Western dance forms. A trained faculty also instructs them on how to choreograph performances themselves, and it in this room that students are seen enjoying to the hilt.